Juniors Registration2

Please register here

In order to register your child and be able to participate in trainings and games, please fill the form below. Make sure you read the child protection policies on the left.

Name of child/young person
Please provide a valid email addres if any
Select the country where your child was born.
Full Address
Example: 31/01/2004
Name of Parent/Guardian
Please provide a valid email address of Parent/Guardian, we will use this for updates.
Please provide a valid phone number (daytime) of Parent/Guardian.
Please provide a valid mobile number of Parent/Guardian

Emergency contact information

Name of alternative adult who can be contacted in be contacted in case of emergency
Please give details

Medical Information

In affirmative case, please give details
In affirmative case, please give details
In affirmative case, please give details
In affirmative case, please give details
In affirmative case, please give details

I give my consent that If an emergency medical situation arises, the Club may act as loco parentis. If the need arises for administration of first aid and/or other medical treatment which in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner may be necessary, I also understand that in such circumstances that all reasonable steps are made.

I confirm that I have read, or been made aware of, the organisation's policies concerning:

  • Codes for conduct for parents, coaches, children & young people
  • Transport policy
  • changing room policy
  • Photography, social media policies
  • I can confirm that my child is aware of the London GD Handball code of conduct for children and anti-bullying policy

  • Notice

    We currently offer the sessions free of charge and our coaches work on a voluntary basis, but as we build the team we may charge a small fee per training and other expenses (transport, etc), we will notify you beforehand.

    I give my confirmation of all of the above

    At London GD, we take your privacy very seriously. We’re committed to protecting personal information that you’ve shared with us when registering as a member on our site. Please red carefully this Privacy Policy document where we explain how we use your data.